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Create a Subject History Table by Protocol


CreateProtocolHistory(start_vec, end_vec, persons_df = "everybody")



a named integer vector with the number of days before subject consent when the subject history should start, per protocol


a named integer vector with the length of the study phase of interest, per protocol


Either the name of the data frame that contains all the subject IDs and their clinical trials (which defaults to "everybody"), or a data frame with this information. See "Details" for more information.


A tibble with columns who, project, and when. Each subject will have one row for each day in the study range.


We may want to perform SQL-like operations on a set of tables. This data table will form the "backbone" for future join operations. It creates one record per person in each study for each day in those studies (when persons_df is set to "everybody"), or it creates one record per person contained in the table persons_df for each day in those studies. The default behavior is to use the supplied "everybody" table for all consenting subjects in the CTN-0027, CTN-0030, and CTN-0051 clinical trials. However, users may only care about a smaller subset of these patients, so a subset of the "everybody" data frame can be supplied to the persons_df argument if desired.

NOTE: this function is only appropriate for trial with fixed start and end days (such as CTN-0027 or CTN-0051). For studies with variable-length (i.e., subject-specific) protocol lengths, please use CreateSubjectProtocolHistory() instead.


   start_int <- c(`27` = -30L, `51` = -30L)
   end_int   <- c(`27` = 168L, `51` = 168L)
     start_vec = start_int, end_vec = end_int
#> # A tibble: 535,708 × 3
#>      who project  when
#>    <int> <chr>   <int>
#>  1     8 27        -30
#>  2     8 27        -29
#>  3     8 27        -28
#>  4     8 27        -27
#>  5     8 27        -26
#>  6     8 27        -25
#>  7     8 27        -24
#>  8     8 27        -23
#>  9     8 27        -22
#> 10     8 27        -21
#> # ℹ 535,698 more rows